A few years back, I bought a sawmill to cut lumber for myself but soon had more than I could use, so I started selling some and had a lot of interested buyers and have done well. Being someone who likes to help everyone with their request and not having all the right stock, led me to sourcing from other sawyers or just referring them to others. That was the basis for developing this website.

Site Icon2My goal is to network wood product producers to help them fill orders and also for buyers to find sellers. The Wood Hound site gives sellers a free web page to advertise their business and display products and only pay a small commission if they sell through this site. Sellers and buyers can make contact through the site with no commitment to Wood Hound.

By selling through Wood Hound, you can receive benefits such as secure payment processing, sharing the liability protections of our sellers terms and conditions, automatic tax calculations, sales reports and more. The commission deducted from your sales pay for further site developement and advertising.

I sincerely hope you find Wood Hound a useful tool buying and selling wood of all kinds.


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